
WriterMarian Crișan, Gabriel Andronache
Top cast Ovidiu Crisan, Ion Sapdaru, Ioana Chitu
Release Year2020
Runtime 1h33


Ovidiu CrisanViorel
Ion SapdaruSilvestru Mocanu
Ioana ChituMirela
Sorin Cocis
George Dometi
Petru Ghimbasan
Maria Junghetu
Lucian PavelOnoriu
Melinda PitzMaria
Ion Ruscut
Cristian Toma
Razvan Vicoveanu
George Voinese


  • Music Koncz Zsuzsa, Bonanza Banzái, Vescan, Mira, Ligia, Alina Eremia, Traian Ilea, Valeria Ilea
  • Director of photography Oleg Mutu
  • Sound Dragoș Dan Catarau, Alexandru Dumitru, Răzvan Ionescu
  • Set design Simona Paduretu
  • Costume design Anca Miron, Sonia Constantinescu
  • Make-up and hair Bianca Boeriu
  • Film editing Tudor Pojoni
  • Production manager Viorel Chesaru, Simona Patrascu
  • Producer Marian Crișan, Anca Puiu
  • Countries of origin Romania


Viorel, a quiet, upright tractor driver from a small town in west Romania meets Mocanu, a high profile politician campaigning for a seat in the European Parliament. Mocanu’s car has broken down nearby and Viorel and his wife welcome the politician into their humble home.

Under investigation for corruption, Mocanu sees an opportunity and decides to stay with this modest family during the rest of the campaign, winning people’s hearts by posing as a common man next to his “old friend”, the honest, hard-working farmer. In return, Viorel will get a new tractor.



Moscow International Film Festival (Italy, 2020)

  • nominee - Best Film

    Marian Crișan

  • winner - Main Competition

    Marian Crișan

Transilvania International Film Festival (2021)

  • winner - Best Feature Film

    Marian Crișan

Trieste Film Festival (2021)

  • winner - Best Film

    Marian Crișan


«Berliner» este şi filmul unui oraş, oraşul meu natal, Salonta”, a mai spus Crişan

Lizeta Oprea | Adevărul

16.02.2021 | Full review ↗