MANDRAGORA continues the actions
by Ileana Puiu, 28.02.2025
MANDRAGORA continues the actions within the project "Valorization of some outstanding works of the Romanian cinematographic heritage" (grant contract no. 41/18.10.2024), a project funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), Pillar IV. SOCIAL AND TERRITORIAL COHESION, Component C11 - TOURISM AND CULTURE, INVESTMENT 7. Accelerating the digitization of film production and distribution, under the call for projects "Support for cultural initiatives to accelerate the digitization of film production and distribution, including cinematographic films".
Thus, MANDRAGORA met the first indicator of the project - Number of employees with acquired digital skills for editing and post-production for digital products -. One of the company's employees completed the professional training course Image Editor organized by the National University of Theatrical and Cinematographic Art "I.L. Caragiale" Bucharest. This qualification will enable him to support the company's digital content development and distribution activities, which will ensure VOODOO FILMS' increased competitiveness in the national and international film industry.
MANDRAGORA is the distribution company founded by the director Cristi Puiu, who has been contributing substantially for over 15 years to the distribution of Romanian and foreign films in Romania through screenings, festivals, caravans. The company's aim is to release international art-house productions in theaters, together with Asoci